Loads of weapons, items and power-ups are riddled throughout the twisting mazes of Tallon IV, many of them left there by the Chozo for the Entrusted One to find. Below you'll find details on each item's location and any abilities needed to reach them. As well as listing which area the item lives in, the room's name will also be listed to help you narrow it down easily.
Some items you'll need to have special equipment to reach, others will be dropped by defeated bosses. When you find a new power-up (and the classic item theme plays), you'll be informed that extra info about the item is available to view in your Log Book, just press Start to bring it up. Of course you'll most likely have to find all the items in a specific order (unless you're a super pro and find a way to get around some), so the items listed below are in order you'll most likely find them in. If you're having trouble finding a particular item, prepare to be stuck no more.
A neat trick in this game is that you'll hear a distinct humming sound whenever you're standing close to an item, so keep your ears open.
Note: Every item is linked to the walkthrough and vice versa (at the point where you come across specific items), so you can easily navigate your way back and forth.