Chapter 7: Conquering the ice world

This frozen world oozes personality and atmosphere.
This frozen world oozes personality and atmosphere.

Only two Octoliths left now, this time we'll head for Arcterra. Upon arrival hop off your ship and fire up the map. Look very closely at the Sic Transit room, see that orange door in the corner blending in with the map? That's out target. Make your way there and deal with the Voldrum-spawning unit near the door. Break through the orange blast shield with a burst from the Magmaul and step through to discover the Fault Line region.

This huge region possesses a number of items just waiting for you to discover along with the Stronghold Portal. Step forward and look for a number of Quadtroids. Stay back and deal with them all to release a force field ahead. Around a corner here you'll discover a very heavily guarded artifact hidden behind a force field along with a vortex of arcing electricity. This Shock Barrier's control terminal resides somewhere above, so don't worry about it for now.

With your position clear be sure to scan Seal Sphere 01 and Alimbic War 09. Lots more juicy details to learn from these. Step forward through one of the two tunnels and exit the ice cave. As you do a familiar face rear its ugly head; an Arctic Spawn bursts from the snow to attack.

Scan the monster before engaging, then simply use the Magmaul against its weird mouth when it opens. Watch out for hurling ice projectiles, rub the touch screen if you're caught frozen.

Upon sealing the fate of this beast you'll be rewarded with a red orb materialising over by the door ahead. Scan it to reveal it as your final weapon, the Imperialist! You'll definitely be needing this precision piece, pick it up and read about how to use the zoom feature. The game will now show you a red ornate object high above, use the Imperialist's zoom to score a direct hit. A lift will lower, granting you access to the region above.

Before going topside be sure to scan Alimbic Prophecy 08 from above the red blast shielded-door where you picked up the Imperialist. Hop aboard the platform as it lowers to be taken above. Take a quick look around, one end of this area houses a jump pad while the other is completely sealed in by a number of force fields.

Look through the force-fielded section, see the inactive ship deck portal there? Scan the control terminal to power it up from here, using that teleporter back at your ship will grant you access there later on.

Hop on the accessible jump pad and climb up to find an open-air canyon. Here is where the control system for the electric barrier down below guarding the artifact lies, as well as the Stronghold Portal.

Step forward to find yourself surrounded by Psycho Bits launched from spawning units. Quickly deal with the units first before dispatching all the airborne targets. Watch out for the v4.0 as it discharges freezing bolts of ice. Fry them all to instantly reveal a Shield Key hiding tucked away in a corner.

Pick it up to lower the force field protecting the artifact, now we just need to shut off that electricity. Step back towards the entrance of this canyon to find two tubes powered with electricity beside a control terminal. Scan the terminal to shut the system down, finally giving you safe passage to the artifact. Only problem now is that you can't exit this canyon the same way you entered.

See that tall pillar atop the central bluff? Climb up there and scan the base to learn that a missile will dislodge it. So send one into the base and watch as the pillar crashes over, creating a perfect bridge to the other side of the canyon. Before crossing be sure to pick up the Oubliette 01 scan near the pillar's base first.

Cross over the toppled pillar and turn right. See the ledge ahead where the small plant grows? Leap across to find yourself back in the main region where you faced the Arctic Spawn.

Descend to ground level and simply backtrack to finally secure Arcterra Attameter Artifact 02. Now let's go for the second. Go back to where you secured the Imperialist and break through the door there with your new toy. Inside you'll discover the Frost Labyrinth - definitely familiar territory. Enter the maze and travel to the highest point to find another red blast-shielded exit (and pick up Energy Tank AR.03 if you didn't before).


Special thanks to Ricardo for this note. The tunnel exit at the highest point of the Frost Labyrinth can be a tad touchy at times. If you nudge the walls on either side of the opening you might find yourself seemingly stuck at the tunnel exit even though it's a clear opening. Don't despair, just roll back and try to enter the opening without touching the sides, or use the Boost Ball to bust through - this minor glitch shouldn't stop you from going any further. Chances are you probably won't have any trouble moving through, but keep this in mind if find yourself stuck.

Use the Imperialist to break through the red blast shield. Beyond here lies a dead-end; the Sanctorus. The door will seal upon your arrival so you know there must be something special here. Don't drop through the entrance ahead into the main chamber below, instead move around the left tunnel to find UA Expansion AR.03 hiding behind a plant. Don't forget to scan Alimbic War 01 right behind it too.

Head back around the other curving path to find an exit leading to another hallway. Scan Gorea 03 first up on the ceiling, then climb down the ramp ahead. Scan Alimbic War 12 at the base and grab the UA refill as you go through. Enter the main chamber to see the artifact easily ahead of you. Watch out for a Greater Ithrak dangling from the ceiling, send a missile into its back to easily deal with the target.

With your position clear, feel free to take a look around. You'll find a lone terminal bordered by two plants, scan it to learn that a number of spectral locks are present here. This means you'll only be able to see them with the Scan Visor on, so keep it active and look around for three locks. Scanning all three will lower a force field covering a red ornate object on the far wall, you should know what to do with this by now.

Stand well back and use the Imperialist's zoom to score a perfect hit on the red object. Doing so will instantly summon the Shield Key directly in front of it. Snag the key to finally gain access to Arcterra Binary Subscripture Artifact 02. With the artifact secured you'll be ambushed by two Guardians, deal with them to secure the area and unlock the door above (try using the Imperialist on them, you won't be disappointed).

Be sure to scan Alimbic War 06 and Gorea 04 before leaving. Remember that ship deck portal you activated back in the Fault Line area? Time to go use it. Return to your ship but watch out for rival hunters back at the Sic Transit region. Use the teleporter in the Ice Hive if you want to avoid the hassle of climbing up the Arcterra Gateway. Once back at your ship, save your game before hopping inside the other now-active teleporter.

You'll reappear inside the force-fielded area of the Fault Line, stand back from the wall possessing the jump pad and look up. See the two red objects high above? Shoot both with the Imperialist to lower the force fields, now you can access this area from below. Hop on the jump pad and exit the region via the door you find.

Inside you'll discover the Drip Moat - a ancient (and surprisingly intact) curving sequence of deep hallways. You don't want to go falling down into the moat below as it's not good for Samus' health, so step forward to the edge of the platform to be taken for a ride atop a moving lift. Directly below you here lies UA Expansion AR.04, but we'll pick it up on the way back.

Watch out for a handful of targets along the way including Petrasyl, Shriekbats and War Wasps, don't get slapped by any or you'll fall off. If you do fall just quickly run to the end and hop on the jump pad you find to reach the top again. Exit the hallway on the far end to discover the Subterranean region; another dead-end where the final artifact awaits.

Step forward to discover a huge circular chamber riddled with force fields. See the three red objects above in the center? You'll need to find a good position to fire at each one from afar with the Imperialist to proceed.

They'll close up if you stand too close so you'll need some good distance. With all three struck the camera will focus on the central platform in the middle of the chamber. Make your way through the maze and step aboard to be taken down below to an underground series of corridors.

Step through the corridor to locate Missile AR.02 directly ahead. Also don't forget to scan Alimbic War 04 behind it. Spin around and look for another icy hallway leading away from here. Scan Alimbic War 11 as you pass through. Once on the other side, step through the left corridor to find a dead end guarded by a nasty Alimbic Turret v2.7. Scan it quickly before taking cover. This one uses Imperialist technology against you, so cover is all you'll need here.

Use your own Imperialist against it for a quick victory. Doing so will reward you with a materialising Shield Key right below it. Pick it up to grant access to the final artifact down the other corridor nearby, but be sure to scan Alimbic War 05 here before retrieving it. Secure Arcterra Cartograph Artifact 02 to finally power up the Stronghold Portal out in the Fault Line region.

Step outside and scan the control terminal for the lift, quickly stepping aboard as you do. Ride it topside and step back through the force field maze. A short way in you'll find all the fields will disappear, but not without a price. A horde of Guardians will drop in from above, use the Judicator to pick them off one at a time.

With all targets down and the door unlocked you'll be clear to leave. Return to the Drip Moat and travel to the far end of the hallway. Grab UA Expansion AR.04 before leaving. Once back in the Fault Line, hop in the ship deck teleporter to save your game before going for the Octolith. Head back to the Fault Line via the teleporter and hop on the jump pad to reach the open-air canyon above. Ignore the spawning Psycho Bits, just run for the Stronghold Portal.

Cross the hallway once in the void and enter the Octolith's chamber to face the final Cretaphid cybernetic defense system. Refer to the bosses guide for tips to survive everything this odd pillar throws at you.

With this final Cretaphid done and dealt with you'll have scored your penultimate Octolith. "...end was upon us all..." is the telepathic message you receive. Which is kind of accurate, as there's just one Octolith left now so we're almost there. Pick up the energy refills before leaving (you'll need them). This time you've got only 4 minutes to put this place behind you.

Run for the portal ahead and travel back to Arcterra. Quickly climb the bluff back in the Fault Line region and cross the fallen pillar. Return to the main area of this region and take the exit leading back to the Sic Transit. Quickly deal with any rival hunters you might encounter here and run for the Arcterra Gateway. Don't waste any time in climbing back up to your ship, deal with any Geemers or turrets along the way with the Imperialist.

Run for your ship to finally secure your latest Octolith and escape Arcterra (don't worry, it doesn't blow up).

Next Chapter: The final Octolith