Super Missile locations

Samus' upgrades | Missile locations | Super Missile locations
Power Bomb locations | Energy Tank locations | Reserve Tank locations



This missile is well hidden near the "Old Tourian" area. You'll need the Ice Beam, Grappling Beam and Speed Booster to reach it (the Wave Beam also helps). In the massive shaft leading down to Brinstar (the one with all the Zebesians living on the walls), go down to the very bottom of the shaft, then climb up to the first small platform that you'll find up along the right wall.

Bomb open a hidden tunnel, then use a Power Bomb to open the door beyond. Travel right in the next corridor and use the Ice Beam to freeze the four yellow slime balls along the floor (if you have the Wave Beam it'll be much easier to freeze them all). You'll need to make sure that none of them jump up when you freeze them, they must all be flush with the floor.

Go back to the door on the left end of the corridor, then run back to the right. Once the Speed Booster kicks in, run to the end of the corridor and press down. Shinespark up the massive shaft leading skyward and you'll find this Super Missile waiting at the very top.



Just after you've done away with Spore Spawn (see the bosses guide), jump atop its lifeless form and climb up the shaft above it. Go through the door at the top, head to the end of the corridor and descend an almost bottomless shaft at the end to find this Super Missile waiting at the base.


From the main elevator in the green thorny area, go through the first door down on the right. Use the Speed Booster to run past all the closing shutters. Upon reaching the end of the corridor, blast open a hole in the roof then climb up to find a hidden corridor above. Go to the far left side of the corridor to find this Super Missile there.


Once again from the main elevator in the green area, go down to the very bottom of the shaft and blow open the floor with a Power Bomb. Drop through to find another shaft leading downward. Descend to the bottom and head through the door there. Go through the door in the next room to find a small chamber lined with gray bricks and a visible Energy Tank.

Grab the Energy Tank on your way through, but be careful as a hidden hole lies just in front of it. Use the X-Ray Scope to see the hole, or fire your weapon down at the floor, if the beam doesn't impact on the ground then it's passing through the hole. Jump over the hole to grab the Energy Tank, then blow open the door behind it to find this Super Missile waiting inside.



Just after you've crushed the yellow Chozo Statue in Ridley's Lair, go through the door on the right of the room to locate the Screw Attack. Backtrack into the Chozo Statue's room, then Space Jump up to the top right-hand corner of the chamber. Break through the bricks there with the Screw Attack, you'll find this Super Missile hiding in the left wall of the enclosure.

Wrecked Ship


Once you've beaten Phantoon and the ship's power has restored, climb up the main shaft and travel through the first door on the left side to find this Super Missile inside.


Directly opposite the door of the room containing the previous Super Missile, bomb open a hidden tunnel in the base of the wall there and travel through the door you'll find. Move through the next corridor filled with spikes and walking robots. Once you reach the dead-end use a Power Bomb to reveal four small openings in the wall. Crawl through the second one up from the ground to find a hidden room containing this Super Missile.



In the massive underwater shaft containing missile no. 1, you should notice a Super Missile contained within a small enclosed cave. Climb up to the very top of the shaft and head through the door there to find the huge underwater cavern filled with Grappling Hook blocks in the ceiling and floating puffer fish.

Descend to the edge of the first cliff below on the right, blast the enemy crawling on the walls, then active the Morphing Ball. Drop down the side of the cliff and hold left until you enter a hidden passage. Keep going and you'll enter the underwater shaft again, go left to locate this Super Missile.


Just after finding missile no. 2 in the giant chamber containing the long vertical pipe, go right to see this Super Missile in the corner of the room. Just make sure you jump over the small section of crumbling blocks in front of it otherwise you'll fall below and need to make your way back up again.


You'll find this Super Missile in plain view in the same room as missile no. 5.