Obstacles Guide

Obstacles Guide

Each environment on the worlds Samus visits contain all manner of obstacles and puzzles for her to master.

Most obstacles are variations of doors and hatches blocking access to new areas, each one usually requires a specific item to open. Read on below for a list of all the major and minor obstacles you'll face on the journey.

Doors and hatches

Doors and hatches serve to keep Samus from accessing deeper regions of the worlds in Metroid Prime 3. Most simply require the use of a specific weapon to open.

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Blue Doors

Most doors you encounter possess a blue energy shield. Simply fire any weapon at these to open them.

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Orange Doors

Orange hatches can only be opened by a high-temp blast from the Plasma Beam.

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Green Doors

Green hatches can only be opened with a high-frequency blast from the Nova Beam.

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Purple Terminal

Purple terminals tend to power force shields blocking access to sensitive areas. You'll need the Grapple Voltage to either drain or charge these terminals to disable the force shield it powers.

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Red Blast Shield

Simply fire a single Missile at a red blast shield to blow it off the door.

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White Blast Shield

You'll need the Ice Missile upgrade to dismantle white blast shields.

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Mounted Blast Shield

Simply lock onto the C icon above a Mounted Blast Shield, deploy the Grapple Lasso and rip the shield off the door. You may need to first fire at small glowing dots in order to magnetize the door.

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Multi-Lock Blast Shield

You'll need to use the Seeker Missile to fire five Missiles simultaneously at the five spearate lock pods to dismantle these blast shields.

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Sealed Doors

Some doors will seal you inside a chamber and won't release until certain requirements are met (usually by eliminating all hostile forces in the immediate area).

Miscellaneous obstacles

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Objects containing trace elements of Brinstone can be dismantled by a single Missile blast.

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Talloric Alloy

Debris or objects containing elements of Talloric Alloy can be destroyed by a single Morph Ball bomb blast. Also use bombs to either activate or destroy objects when your Scan Visor advises the use of a concussive blast.

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Extremely-well armoured objects containing elements of Maldium can only be destroyed by your gunship's missiles. Once you've received the gunship's Ship Missile upgrade, use the Command Visor to summon the ship and perform a bombing run (if any radio jammers are present disable them first with the Grapple Lasso).

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Interactive objects

Use the Wii Remote and follow the on-screen instructions when physically interacting with control interfaces (further in the game you'll need the X-Ray Visor to interact with certain terminals).

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Damaged panels

Many damaged metal panels litter SkyTown and the Pirate Homeworld. Melt these from your path with suppressive fire from the Plasma Beam or Nova Beam.

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Phazon obstacles

Many unnatural Phazon growths bar your progress rather grotesquely. Fire up Hypermode and experiment with your Phazon-powered weaponry to clear the otherwise-harmless foliage.

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The Space Pirates equip armoured Phazite panels to usually block access to sensitive equipment. Switch on the X-Ray Visor to reveal anything hidden beyond, then use the Nova Beam to send piercing blasts of energy through the Phazite barrier.

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Damaged circuit boards

You'll discover many pieces of machinery with damaged circuit board panels rendering their normal functions inert. You'll need the Plasma Beam to effect repairs. Walk up to a damaged panel and press A to interact with it. A small welding implement will engage from Samus' arm cannon, hold A and start from one end, directing the flame along each damaged circuit's path to seal the rupture. With all circuit paths repaired the machinery will re-engage.